AEC wins 2021 ACEC Engineering Excellence Award for Cromer Road 31-MGD Pump Station Project
The goal of providing centralized wastewater service to Lexington County, SC, was sought for decades, driven by massive population growth and the environmental impact of discharging into the Lower Saluda River – a designated State Scenic River. A collaborative effort between utility owners resulted in a solution by transporting wastewater to the Cayce Regional Wastewater Facility. Massive infrastructure upgrades, including the Cromer Road Pump Station, were implemented over the course of many years to complete the objective. This intermediate pump station, which is part of a complex and far reaching force main system, was designed so that no further improvements are necessary in order to increase capacity to its ultimate 31 million gallons per day peak once a future parallel force main is completed. AEC designed the Cromer Road Pump Station to operate within this complex system and meet all current and future flow and pressure limitations while maximizing the town’s investment.
2021 ACEC-SC Engineering Excellence Awards