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The Town of Blackville will receive Sealed Bids for the Blackville WWTF Improvements project until 2:00 PM on Wednesday March 12, 2025 at the Blackville Town Hall at 5983 Lartigue Street Blackville, SC, at which time and place all Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 2:00 PM on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at the Town Hall at the above address. Bids are invited upon the several items and quantities of work as follows: Furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for the construction of improvements to the Town of Blackville Wastewater Treatment Facility, including, but not necessarily limited to structures, equipment, site work, demolition work, yard piping, valves, mechanical piping, electrical and appurtenances all associated with the following parts of the project: new influent pump station, new aeration basin influent splitter box, conversion of existing SBR basins to continuous activated sludge process, new secondary clarifiers and RAS pump station, new waste activated sludge pumps, new sludge digestion and de-watering facilities, and all necessary appurtenances as specified and depicted in the Contract Documents. 02-05-2025 Download